Ozone is a highly reactive form of oxygen, consisting of three oxygen atoms (O3). It is a potent oxidant/disinfectant that quickly decomposes to diatomic oxygen (O2), while reacting with targeted organic matter or microorganisms. Ozone is naturally generated in the stratosphere, the upper atmospheric layer that protects us from harmful radiation. Gaseous ozone is formed also in the atmosphere during lightning discharges, and on the earth’s surface by photochemical reactions, UV sterilization lamps, and high voltage electric arcs. The fresh smell after a thunderstorm is ozone at work  cleaning up the pollutants in the air to keep us safe.

The United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that workers not be exposed to an average concentration of more than 0.10 ppm for 8 hours.

The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends an upper limit of 0.10 ppm, not to be exceeded at any time.

EPA’s National Ambient Air Quality Standard for ozone is a maximum 8 hour average outdoor concentration of 0.08 ppm.

It is estimated, significant exposure to ozone could lead to Potential risk of experiencing:

  • Decreases in lung function
  • Aggravation of asthma
  • Throat irritation and cough
  •  Chest pain and shortness of breath
  • Inflammation of lung tissue
  • Higher susceptibility to respiratory infection

The US EPA confirms Ozone is a very strong oxidant and virucide. The mechanisms of disinfection using ozone include:

  • Direct oxidation/destruction of the cell wall with leakage of cellular constituents outside of the cell. The killing process of oxidation with ozone does not contribute to antibiotic resistance.
  • Reactions with radical by-products of ozone decomposition.
  • Damage to the constituents of the nucleic acids (purines and pyrimidines).
  • Breakage of carbon-nitrogen bonds leading to depolymerization.

Ozone is more effective than chlorine in destroying viruses and bacteria. The ozonation process utilizes a short contact time sometimes within seconds. There are no harmful residuals that need to be removed after ozonation because ozone decomposes rapidly.

Aqueous, or liquid ozone is perhaps the most misunderstood and maligned technology that we utilize, largely because of misunderstandings about ozone gas in general some as mentioned above. Liquid ozone cleaners,  are different than atmospheric ozone gas generators. They create ozone gas infused into a watermedia, as opposed to the air.  Which means ozone gas is mixed and dissolved in water to make Aqueous Ozone . This ensures we are able to retain all the Potent disinfectant and cleaning properties of Ozone Gas but at the same time eliminate all the hazardous toxic characteristics it possess. 

Many people associate the word ‘ozone’ with harmful and dangerous gases. Aqueous Ozone is different. It is 100% safe and harmless to people and has been certified safe by leading governing bodies across the world, including the FDA and Health Canada. It is also HACCP and Green Seal certified. Since ozone is an unstable molecule, it reverts to oxygen faster than the water evaporates without off-gassing.  In this way liquid ozone is a safe and preferential alternative to chemical disinfectants, many of which are themselves asthma triggers. Aqueous Ozone has been around for over a hundred years, during which time it has been used by the military, the Olympics, water treatment plants and deemed safe by the likes of Health Canada, NSF and the FDA. It is now being used to clean and disinfect some major airports like Changi etc. Various tests have shown that Aqueous Ozone has zero health implications and is 100% safe for those who come into contact with it. You can spray it on your hands, onto your food and even if accidently ingested, it will not cause any harm. In fact, Aqueous Ozone is the much safer solution, even when compared to standard cleaning chemicals. Toxic chemicals such as bleach and chlorine-based cleaners are heavily linked to asthmatic and respiratory problems, as well as skin and eye irritation – all things which Aqueous Ozone are not. By comparison, Aqueous Ozone is the much safer option with less harmful effects on anyone who uses it.

The biggest challenge to making Aqueous Ozone or dissolving ozone gas in water is to ensure no gas escapes while doing so and hence not meeting safety standards. Most manufacturers struggle to do so and therefore compromise by generating very little gas for dissolving it in water. However even then they encounter two problems :
a) Aqueous Ozone has a very low shelf life which means it loses its potency to clean and sanitize very fast maybe in 5-10 mins.
b) Aqueous Concentration in low concentration becomes ineffective in cleaning ability as well as sanitisation.
Our patented Nanobubble technology resolves this completely it ensures extension of ozone stability and enhancement of its disinfection ability for hours and also allows dissolving high amount of gas to create a very powerful and potent cleaning and disinfectant liquid.
Above all the Nanobubbles are able to penetrate every nook and deep crevices to give cleaning and sanitisation efficiency like never before.

Use aqueous ozone just about anywhere you would use a cleaning solution: Counters, restroom fixtures, floors, “high-touch” areas, even carpet. Infact you could wash your hands with Aqueous ozone to completely sanitize and clean them. Usage of Aqueous OZONE in Hospitals is extremely significant mainly because The killing process of oxidation with ozone does not contribute to antibiotic resistance.

Our Machines use only one ingredient – normal tap water. The equipment’s take tap water to make aqueous ozone that will clean and disinfect 3000 times faster than chlorine. Unlike most sanitizers, deodorisers and cleaners, our spray bottle doesn’t use harmful chemicals, dyes, or perfumes. Many ingredients used in typical multi-purpose cleaners are known allergens and can cause irritation of the skin, eyes and respiratory systems, or even asthma. Even some cleaning products that are marketed as “green” or “natural” may have harmful ingredients in their fragrances and dyes. That’s because current regulations do not require manufacturers to list all ingredients on the labels. Our NBAO are green seal approved and qualify under the greener than green concept.
• Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent
• Aqueous Ozone is FDA-listed as Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS)
• Aqueous Ozone is allowed as an “ingredient” under the USDA National Organic Program
• Aqueous Ozone lethality to viruses and parasites in contaminated water far exceeds chlorination
• Aqueous Ozone treatment enhances water reuse systems by micro-flocculation of suspended particulates
• Aqueous Ozone has been shown to degrade pesticide residues in reuse water and on fruit surfaces
• Aqueous Ozone does not create any significant disinfection by-products
• Aqueous Ozone breaks down to atmospheric oxygen after oxidation or disinfection.

Contrary to chlorine, which always leaves an oxidation or disinfection byproduct, ozone simply will revert back to oxygen.

DWELL time, or contact time is the Amount of time disinfectants need to remain wet on surfaces to properly disinfect. This is an important consideration when purchasing cleaning supplies for fighting Infections like Coronavirus etc. Dwells time vary by disinfectant type and target organism type like Bacteria, virus or fungii.
Ozone has sanitisation abilities which is 3000 times more faster than Chlorine. Being a powerful oxidiser much more than Chlorine , PAA, Hydrogen peroxide etc the dwell time or contact time needed by Ozone to kill or inactivate is in some cases in seconds.
For example lets take the case off one of the most difficult pathogen to kill like giardia. Assuming a PH of 7 and same temperature of 20 C , 1 ppm of chlorine would take 75 minutes to kill it in the same conditions 1 mg of Ozone would be able to do it in 57 seconds.
So for practical clean and wipe operations like restaurant tables etc. an ozone wipe has no comparison and the others have too long dwell times to be practically effective.

Aqueous Ozone is a very strong Oxidiser. However that does not mean it is corrosive or combustible in the aqueous form( ie. A solution in water) . In commercial as well as residential cleaning Applications it is completely safe and would not harm bare skin. Aqueous ozone has been classified as HAZ class OOO.

Protective Gloves or Equipment Not required
Eye protection Not required
Skin Contact Hazard None has been found in the short term
Skin Absorption NO data exists which shows AO is absorbed through the skin
Ingestion No action needed for incidental Ingestion. However NAO is not recommended to be ingested or drunk regularly as a means of treatment or cure for any disease , therapy etc.
Any Special Waste Disposal None Just as Potable Rinse water
Steps to be taken if material is Spilled/Released None, just wipe as normal potable water.